dimanche 28 janvier 2007

Belgique une fois

Hi everyone! This saturday, we've been to Belgium, the wonderful land of waffles, jokes and Manneken Pis! Well that a short summary but here's a contest : find something or someone from Belgium which or who is famous all over the world! Waiting for your proposals in comments.
When I say "we" it's not one of my schizophrenic personality speaking! I mean I was there with Shogo, Henrik, Yrjö, Helena and Javi der Kleine!
So, the trip had two part.

  • First one was the french part of Belgium with Bruxells (en), Brüssel (de), Brussel (fl), Bruxelles (fr,be). Nice city.
I've eaten french fries in Brussels, I did it for Edouardo! I've accomplished your dream, Master! I have to admit I've been reeeeeeeeally disapointed in the Manneken Pis. Honestly, just look at this picture:
  • Second part was the flemish part of Belgium with Antwerp (en), Antwerpen (de, fl), Anvers (fr,be). Really cool city! If I had to compare (which I'm about to do! :op ), I'd say Antwerp is muuuuuuch better than Brussels and muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better than Liège (en,fr), Lüttich (de), Luik (fl) a.k.a. the shabbiest city ever!

Belgium is a great country... if you ditch the french part, keep the Delhaize stores and move the naked Manneken Pis to Antwerp! :oD See all the pictures of the trip here.

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Mais si la vie n'est plus cruelle et qu'Edouardo a mangé les frites, alors il n'y a plus de chanson??????????????????????

Unknown a dit…

Famous Belgians: Hergé aka Georges Remi created the cartoon Tintin and Morris aka Maurice de Bévère created Lucky Luke!

Cassius a dit…

Right Ansku!
These are my favourite Belgians. Well mostly for Tintin :Op
I found another one, a painter : Magritte!
(God bless Wikipedia)

Unknown a dit…

Right, Magritte is also Belgian of course... hmm, I always think that these "French named famous Belgians" are French ;) Well, good for you.. hehe

Anonyme a dit…

Le compte était-il juste ???


Anonyme a dit…

N'oublions pas Johnny SVP qui lui aussi est belge !!! ;o)

Anonyme a dit…

i would´ve said the same: belgium comic-artists

il y a plusieurs des createurs bandes dessinees á belgique!!!

Unknown a dit…

Des belges connus? C'est une blague!


(je vais me cacher...)