samedi 3 mars 2007

To all the penguin lovers...

Take a look at the book I found in a small bookstore near my place:

You love penguins but do they love you as well?
Special toughts for my colleagues at IFIPS back in France.

P.T.S.: (stands for Post Troll Scriptum)
I wonder if they forgot an '=' in the title between "Linux" and "annoyances for geeks"...

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…


Amazing !

Unknown a dit…

Par ce blasfeme tu viens de ©ondamner ton ame a une eternite d'ecrans bleus et de virus en enfe® la ou aucun manchot ne peut survivre sur l'instable permafrost windows !

Unknown a dit…

Birds flue is coming back in Europe! Close your window$!

Nota: penguins, and all kind of short-legged flightless birds of cold Antartic and Artic (and even those from Amazonia) don't have to worry about it.
Nota2: Gnu is immunized too.

Anonyme a dit…


Ca sent le copier/coller ^^

Unknown a dit…

Loooooool itou