dimanche 22 avril 2007

わたし は 8月14日 から 9月10日 まで 日本 へ いきます。

As you all understood in the title of the post, "I'll be in Japan from 14 august to 10 september."

Let's explain a bit this sudden declaration. Last january, as I was looking for a 3-month internship in Germany, I spent quite some time with my nose stuck on the billboards in the RWTH buildings where I attend my lectures. Some japanese chars caught my eye and I read further:
German-Japanese exchange program.
30 to 40 german students between 18 and 25, all over Germany.
14 august-10 september
All study fields.
Homestay, guest-family, youth summit, 3-week internship, Tokyo Narita, etc.

For german citizens only?
My foot I apply!

After talking with the Japanese embassy in Germany, I had the official authorization to apply (in german and english). Great!

Then came the first positive answer: your application has been considered, come to Düsseldorf for a motivation interview and Japanese/English knowledge tests. OK!
It went well apparently, because I receive the final answer few days ago! Ich fliege nach Japan!

Now begins the painful, but necessary, paperwork phase with passport, visa and other international annoyances! But my happiness can't be altered right now!!!

One more thing. Do you guys know where I can buy a brand new or used Lonely Planet guide for Japan in english or french? I see another solution which consists in you offering me the latter book! =)

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Do you really think your friends are wealthy ????? ;O)


I also found this link; might be interesting for you :

Anonyme a dit…

je ponds?

Cassius a dit…

Cet humour est trop subtil pour moi Pierre, je ne comprends pas.