mardi 20 mars 2007

LCD Sounsystem is playing at my house

Servus, as one can say in german. Are you doin'?
This monday, I went to Cologne to see a gig of LCD Soundsystem. If you don't know this band please go on their web page (follow link on the name) or go to this page from Good website by the way, check it out. The concert took place in the so called Bürgerhaus Stollwerck, apparently trendy social center in Cologne. Maybe not designed for concerts this size because the checkroom was full...

There was a support band, which actually was an insane one-woman support band! Very hard to find out where she was heading... underground music, weird costume, but inspired!

But the LCDs were just greeeeeeat!!! Especially "Tribulations", that was for you only Matthew! And best of all: the ticket was a present that I received for my birthday!

Other (bad) photos... here

vendredi 16 mars 2007

Joyeux anniversaire

Hi there!
We've already talked about birthday party of french people here. (If you remember who it was, then congratulations, you're a serious reader of my blog, else shame on you and catch it up! ;O) )
But today's topic is... MY birthday!

Oh my! That was great. I want to thank everyone again, I've been spoilt with presents but the fact you were here was the best of all.
I know, it sounds like the worst and most common cliché but that's true, you are all SuperDuper!

For those who couldn't make (back to home or travelling God knows where!), the surprise party took place at Olavs where we did a very fine BBQ on his, now famous, terrace! When the night was getting older (and people living in the building started to complain) we went to the closest bar, Kuckucksnest. Well, closest is the right word here I think, since the bar is 20m from Olavs!

If you remember my explanation about european birthday tradition, I've been through all of them! Quite an experience. I also had "Happy birthday" songs in so many languages I can't even remember, but trust me, I'll remember my 22nd birthday!
You can see all the photos here. Check out my special birthday makeup!

SpongeBob wanted also to say something, I give him the keyboard!

mercredi 14 mars 2007

Fascinante nourriture

Bonjour! Bonsoir! (rayez la mention inutile en fonction de votre fuseau horaire de résidence)
Un petit post sans but didactique ni même informatif, juste lustig! A la bouffe!
Regardez-moi ce que je vous ai trouvé! Vous m'en direz des nouvelles!
(que j'imite très bien)

Voici d'abord une spéciale dédicace pour tous les amateurs de pâte à tartiner aux délicieuses noisettes du Piémont soigneusement sélectionnées. Voilà de quoi redonner un coup de jeune à ce bon vieux Nutella (je l'ai dit, je paye des royalties mais je m'en fous!) :

C'est la pâte à tartiner Olé et non pas au lait, il est chimiquement inconcevable d'avoir des dérivés lactés dans ce genre de produit, il n'y aurait plus de place pour le sucre et l'huile végétale partiellement hydrogénée! Laisse tomber le Nutella, Pierre. Le rose te va si bien...
Evidemment, ça vient de chez Plus, et à ma connaissance, c'est un produit inconnu à la France (qui en raffole déjà, je le pressens)

Autre produit de chez Plus.
"Parce qu'il en faut pour en manger, Plus invente pour vous la marque" :

Oui, de la bravoure. Les plus érudits, auront remarqué le "e" manquant à la fin du mot.
Ce genre de bouffe me rappelle mon premier voyage en Allemagne du Nord, il y a de cela 2 ans maintenant. Ca me fait au Sparsamer de chez Spar, qui au passage a été racheté par le groupe Edeka en septembre 2005.
Ce message était informatif en fin de compte! ++

mardi 13 mars 2007


Salut à tous!
C'est officiel, avec un peu d'avance, le printemps est sur Aachen!

Dans le cerveau allemand, printemps signifie barbecue+bière+parc(+ éventuellement activité sportive). Le cerveau des Erasmi (oui, on en a un chacun, c'est juste une tournure de phrase) a été attaqué par cette manière de pensée, c'est pourquoi ce lundi, sous un soleil radieux, nous avons célébré le printemps comme il se doit!
Je passe la parole à mon homologue, collègue et néanmoins ami (dans ce cas c'est plutôt "bras en moins", vous allez comprendre) :

mardi 6 mars 2007

Martin's birthday party and misc

English post today because it deals with international (life and death) matters. (like always on this blog!)
Last monday it was the birthday party of Martin, a swedish Unitech guy. You probably don't care but this lucky bastard is living in a WG (shared flat) in the very center of Aachen with 7 other persons, 3 floors, 3 bathrooms, huge living room, terrasse and sauna on the last floor... Reminds me I live in the (cheap) hobo place and (quality) drug area!

Casual party at the beginning which has been spiced up with strange traditions from (not so) far countries.For your birtday in this country, you have to be at least 5 persons.
1. You, who lays on the back on the floor
2. A friend of yours, lifting you by the arms
3. A friend of yours, lifting you by the legs
4. A (strong-built) friend of yours, kneeled on the ground
5 and more. friends of yours laughing their asses off, taking pictures eventually

Picture the scene, you are being lifted by your friend like a piece of meat and then, they swing you like a pendulum and make you hit the poor kneeled guy as many times as the number of year you've reached this day. Personally, I was in the 5. category, and I wet my pants!

  • Spain brought to us by Nuria (on the left) and Paula (on the right)
This one is more common. Two friends of yours have to pull earlobes as many times as the number of year you've reached this day. It's just getting longer and longer with years (the time you pull, not your earlobes!)

After these exotic traditions, leeeeeeet's dance!!! (like David Bowie would say)
And now, I speak to my french friends with weird musical taste. I looked up on Martin's computer and what did I found? Well, he's swedish... that's a clue. Answer...

But I was really surprised and rather sad not to find any Basshunter title in the music library... Nobody's perfect.
Well, this party ended as it couldn't have been expected. Well it could, but I won't tell neither who was wasted nor about the two cars of "Bullen"... Oops!

dimanche 4 mars 2007

Total eclipse of the moon

Hi folks!
Today, a scientific review on what happened last saturday about midnight. This has nothing to do with my private life, well a bit, but everyone one earth was concerned... Remember my post about egocentrism... In this case the whole solar system was involved. Have you found what it's all about?
Clue picture:

Yeah that's it! Crap on my camera with my whole hand blocking the objective?
No, you helpless people! That's the total eclipse of the moon! (there was a tiny clue in the title of this post, some of you might have noticed it)
That was magical, I hope you guys have seen it. I nearly wet my pants.

But this night, the real eclipse was this one:

samedi 3 mars 2007

To all the penguin lovers...

Take a look at the book I found in a small bookstore near my place:

You love penguins but do they love you as well?
Special toughts for my colleagues at IFIPS back in France.

P.T.S.: (stands for Post Troll Scriptum)
I wonder if they forgot an '=' in the title between "Linux" and "annoyances for geeks"...

jeudi 1 mars 2007

Quand y'en a marre...

Plus de Malabar - STOP

existe pas ici - STOP
pénurie de tatouages - STOP
quelques jours à vivre - STOP
espérant vous revoir - STOP FIN